Engraved Tanner Scores

One of composer Tanner's goals is to enter into computer-generated, engraver-quality music notation, all of his compositions predating 1993 when he began working in Finale notation software. Here is a sampling of these scores.


Yet a number of his major works have not yet been entered into notation software or have been started but completed. Among these are the following works:

The Garland of Kane - first Hawaiian opera; piano/vocal score and full orchestral score

The Singing Snails - first Hawaiian opera for youth; full orchestral score

Symphony No. 2 Keepers of the Land - full orchestral score

Symphony No. 3 'Aumakua (Living Ancestors) - full orchestral score

Six Songs from a Winter's Pillow Book - full orchestral score

Please go to Participate for ways in which you can help make the completion of these scores possible.


Banner (top): page from the autograph orchestral score for "The Singing Snails" - Kaipo's Aria

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