Archive Materials to Rod Library, U.N.I.
As the last surviving member of the Thomas, Hess, Tanner Trio of artist/collaborators, composer Tanner has become the de facto chronologist and steward of the life-works of all three. Approximately sixty archive boxes of the Trio’s correspondence and papers are still in storage in Honolulu or at Jerré’s apartment, awaiting sorting out before sending on to Special Collections at the Rod Library. There are also hundreds of Thomas tracing paper sketches and finished drawings in several media to be sent.
Archive boxes in Jerré's bedroom awaiting sorting.
To date, Jerré has paid all packaging and shipping costs to UNI – Rod Library. Unfortunately, his savings have been exhausted, his only income now being a small monthly Social Security check. He no longer can self-finance sending on the materials.
He is asking your support to keep up the flow of this invaluable material to the Rod Library. Please go to Participate where contributions can be made. In the Comments block please let us know if you want updates on shipments to Rod Library.
Thank you for your kind support.
To view Rod Library Special Collections current holdings, go to –
Harvey Hess:
John Paul Thomas:
Jerré Tanner: