"Music, of all the arts, speaks most directly to the soul."
from "My Life in Music" autobiography by Jerré Tanner
A childhood in sylvan central Pennsylvania, coming of age in down-to-earth Iowa and discovering the mythic romance of Hawai’i Island – all places and forces that shaped the creative life of composer Jerré Tanner. Creating music influenced by Appalachian folk music and poetry, the aesthetic austerity of 16th century Italian counterpoint, Asian music of Bali and Japan, and ancient and modern Polynesian/Hawaiian music and dance, Tanner molded a World Music style uniquely his own.
Learn more about the life, musical influences, collaborations and continuing projects of composer Tanner.
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Announcing, now available in print: Boy with Goldfish the novel
for more details, see: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=jerre+tanner&i=stripbooks&crid=1PXKQE4OA99FW&sprefix=jerre+tanner%2Cstripbooks%2C260&ref=nb_sb_noss
Banner: "Horizontal Blue" grid design by John Paul Thomas